5.7. Freigegebene Ansichten

This page lists the most recently modified or commented on pages that have been shared with:

  • Ihnen direkt
  • Ihnen als Kontakt
  • Ihnen als Gruppenmitglied

Not displayed are pages that have only been shared with:

  • the public
  • alle eingeloggten Nutzer

That means, if a page has been shared with all logged-in users and in addition with you, you see the page on your shared pages. Otherwise, it does not appear here.

The shared pages are a quick way to find the pages that you may be most interested in looked at.

Sie können in dieser Ansicht nichts hinzufügen oder löschen. Sie haben nur Lesezugriff.

Shared pages list

„Shared pages“ list

  1. You can filter the pages that have been shared with you by title, desctiption and tags or by tags only.
  2. The title and author of the page are linked so that you can jump to them quickly.
  3. The description of the page as well as the tags are displayed.
  4. Sie sehen die Anzahl der Kommentare zu jeder Ansicht
  5. Den Anfang des letzten Kommentars, seinen Autor und das Datum der Erstellung.
  6. By clicking on the View comment button you can read the entire comment.