.. include:: /shortcuts.rstext .. index:: single: Groups; My friends single: New in Mahara 1.5; List of accessible portfolio pages on "My friends" page single: New in Mahara 1.5; Institution homepage .. _my_friends: My friends ------------- *Groups → My friends* Your friends are a special group of users. You can share your portfolio pages easily with them and get in touch with them quickly by going to this page. They differ from a regular group in that they do not have discussion forums, pages or shared files. If you do wish to do that with your friends, you have to create a regular group for them. You can request other users' friendship in a couple of ways: * Go to their profile page and click the *Request friendship* link. * Go to the *Find friends* page and :ref:`search for potential friends ` there. .. figure:: /images/group/friend_my.* :alt: My friends page *My friends* page #. If you have a lot of friends and pending friend requests, you can filter them by showing only the category of friends (current or pending). #. You see more information about this friend: * View the profile picture. * Click on the name of your friend to reach his profile page. * |new15| The pages to which you have access are listed. * Read the introduction that this user has provided under *Content → Profile → Introduction*. #. |new15| Display of the institution membership of this user. #. For users whose friendship request you have not yet approved, you still see their profile picture and the reason why they want to become your friend. #. If a friend is in the pending state, approve or deny the friendship request. #. Send a message to the user if you wish to do so. #. If you no longer want to have a user on your friend list, you can remove him by clicking on the *Remove from friends* link. #. If you are a group administrator in a group that one of your friends belongs to, you can edit his group membership here. .. note:: |new15| When you click on the institution name that list listed for a friend, you see a list of institution staff and administrators. You can contact administrators directly from this page by clicking on the *Send message* link. |institution_homepage|