3.3. Bestanden

Inhoud → Bestanden

De Bestanden-zone is een opslagruimte, een plaats waar je bestanden en mappen kunt zetten die je kunt gebruiken in je portfolio. Zowel mappen als bestanden worden als artefacts beschouwd en kunnen daarom aan een pagina toegevoegd worden. Je kunt een onbeperkt aantal mappen of submappen maken. Om te zien welke mappen en bestanden er in een map zitten, kun je op de mapnaam klikken. Gebruik de Home-link om terug te keren naar de hoogste map.

Je kunt de mappen en bestanden schikken door het icoontje voor de bestand-/mapnaam te slepen over een andere mapicoontje. Een goed benoemde en georganiseerde mappenstructuur zal je helpen met de organisatie op lange termijn en met het terugvinden van je artefacten. Als je een bestand of map uit een onderliggende map wil verplaatsen, sleep het dan naar het bovenliggende mapicoontje parentfolder.

You will find that some folders are automatically created by the system such as viewfiles or images. The viewfiles folder includes files from imported pages whereas the images folder includes your uploaded profile pictures. As with any other file, you can move them out of this folder and store them in a different folder.


You can move files and folders to your heart’s content without having to re-link them in the pages where you use them. Also renaming them will not have a negative impact on links.

3.3.1. Upload een bestand

Voor je een bestand upload moet je er zeker van zijn dat dit mag. Voor alle artefacten die je publiceert in je portfolio moet je over de rechten beschikken. Dit betekent dat:

  • het artefact van jouw is **of **
  • je hebt het recht om het te reproduceren en distribueren, het schendt geen copyrights en
  • het artefact voldoet ook aan de gebruikersvoorwaarden van de Mahara-site die je gebruikt.


It can be that you have to agree to an upload agreement before you can upload any files to your files area. The site administrator decides about that in Administration → Extensions → Plugin administrationPlugin type: artefact: file.

Upload a file

Upload een bestand

  1. Upload file: Upload a file by clicking on the Browse button to search for the file on your computer. Make sure that it is not larger than the maximum upload size that is shown in the parentheses.
  2. new in Mahara 1.6 If the site administrator turned on the image resizing option, you can decide whether you want to have your images resized if they are larger than the specified dimensions. This option is recommended to save space in your portfolio.
  3. Type the folder name and click the Create folder button if you want to create a folder before uploading files.
  4. Name: You see all your folders and files that are not in folders listed in this table to access them easily.
  5. Description: View the description of your folders or files to know quickly what the content of them is.
  6. Size: The size of your files is displayed here.
  7. Date: The date you created a folder or uploaded a file is shown.
  8. Click the Edit button edit to edit folder or file properties. Continue with editing a file.
  9. Click the Delete button delete to delete a file or folder. If you use a file in a journal entry and / or on a page, you are warned before deleting the file so that you don’t delete it by accident.
  10. If a folder or file is an artefact in a page that has been submitted, you are not able to edit or delete it.


You can move your file to a folder by clicking on the icon before the file’s name and then dragging and dropping it onto a folder icon. Similarly, you can click on a folder icon and drag it onto another folder icon to move the folder into the second one.

3.3.2. Upload meerdere bestanden

Je kunt meerdere bestande tegelijk uploaden op twee verschillende manieren:

  • You can upload multiple files when you are browsing for them. Hold down the Ctrl key (or Command key on a Mac) and click on all the files that you wish to upload at once.
  • You can also place all files into a compressed file, a .zip file, and upload that to Mahara. This method allows you to upload multiple files from different folders on your computer at once. You can create a zip file from any number of files that you have selected in your document management program by making a right mouse click and selecting Compress… (or something similar).
Zip files in MacOSX

Zip files in the Finder under MacOSX

Zip files in Ubuntu

Zip files in Ubuntu’s Nautilus

Zip files in Windows

Zip files in Windows Explorer

Once you have uploaded your zip file to Mahara, you can unzip it there. Click on the Unzip button unzip next to the Edit button edit. Please follow the on-screen instructions.

3.3.3. Bewerk een bestand of map

You can edit the properties of a file or folder at any time. The file does not have to be re-linked in portfolio pages, but the properties you changed will be updated automatically.

Edit a file

Edit a file

  1. Click the Edit button edit to edit folder or file properties.
  2. Name: Change the name of the file (or folder). It is not necessary to keep the file extension as Mahara stores it internally. However, it can be good to leave it in case somebody has problems opening the file if no default programme is associated with the file after downloading it. This field is mandatory and each file (or folder) must have a name.
  3. Description: Give the file (or folder) a description to find it again more easily.
  4. Tags: Give the file (or folder) one or more tags. You can choose from your existing tags by clicking on the Show my tags link and then selecting the tags. If you type your tags, separate them with commas.
  5. Allow comments: Decide if users should be allowed to comment directly on the file artefact page when they view it.
  6. Click the Save changes button to keep your changes or click the Cancel button to abort the action.

3.3.4. File quota

The site administrator of your Mahara site decides how much space you can have to store files. This can vary across institutions. You can check your file quota in the sidebar in your ‘Files’ area.

file quota

File quota