4.1. Pages

Portfolio → Pages

A page contains a selection of artefacts which you arrange and present to others. These may include:

  • selected files
  • résumé details
  • text (your added commentary, instructions or orientation)
  • journal posts
  • video and audio files
  • RSS feed to an external blog
  • etc.

You can re-use the artefacts that you collected under Content in as many pages as you wish.

Content in multiple pages

The same artefacts can appear in multiple pages

4.1.1. Overview page

On the landing page of the portfolio, you can do the following.

Overview pages of "Portfolio"

The landing page of your portfolio

  1. Click the Create page button to start a new page from scratch.

  2. Click the Copy a page button to choose an existing page of yours or from another user as basis for a new page.

  3. Search: Type your search term into the search field. Per default, you search by title, description, tags and the owner of a portfolio.

  4. Use the drop-down arrow to limit your search to tags only.

  5. Sort by: Decide on the sort order in which you wish to display your pages.

    • None (blank): The default sort order lists the dashboard and profile pages before all other pages. Pages are displayed in alphabetical order.
    • Date created: List the pages in chronologically reverse order with the newest pages first.
    • Last modified: Display the pages in the order of their last modification with the most recent pages that have been changed first.
    • Last viewed: Show the pages in the order in which they were viewed by you and others starting with the most recently viewed pages.
    • Most visited: Display the pages that have been visited most first in the list.
    • Most feedback: List the pages in descending order based on the amount of feedback they have received.


    The sort order that you does not change when you navigate away from the page or log out. When you change the sort order, that new setting will be used until you change it again.

  6. Click the Search button to search your pages based on your search and / or sorting criteria.

  7. Click the Edit button to make changes to your dashboard page. You cannot delete your dashboard page.

  8. Click the Edit button to make changes to your profile page. You cannot delete your profile page.

  9. Click the Edit button to update your portfolio pages.

  10. Click the Delete button to remove your pages.

  11. When you submitted a portfolio page to a group, you cannot change a great number of the page’s content or delete it until the page is released again.

  12. You see the total number of pages that you have.

  13. You can choose how many portfolio pages you wish to display on the overview page at once. Your options are 10, 20, 50, 100 or 500 results. All remaining pages can be reached via the pager.

4.1.2. Profile page

Your profile page is visible to other users on Mahara by default. If your administrator allowed it, you can also make it visible to anybody on the Internet.

Per default only the following information is put onto your profile page:

  • Your display name (or real name if you do not have a display name)
  • Your pages that are visible to the person viewing your profile page
  • Your groups
  • Your wall
  • Your friends

We advise you not to use your profile page as your portfolio because you cannot control who can look at the information you make available on your profile. At minimum it is everybody in your institution or who has an account on Mahara. At maximum it can be everybody online. Always remember to think about your own personal security before releasing contact information on a publicly available page or even just for other Mahara users.


Once you have made your profile page or any portfolio page public, Google and other search engines can index and cache it. Even if you take the public access away at some point, the cached version may still be available online. Pages that are made available via a secret URL are not found by search engines unless you link to them from another page.

Use regular pages to create your portfolio and your profile page as a business card or brief introduction to you without disclosing lots of details.

Zie ook

You can edit your profile page like any other page. You can find more information about editing a page in the page editor.

4.1.3. Create a new page

You create a new page in your portfolio when you want to display artefacts together, e.g. for presenting them to others, for showing your progress in a project etc.

Create a portfolio page

Create a portfolio page

  1. On the Pages page, click the Create page button.
  2. Page title: Provide a title for your page. This field cannot be left empty. If you do not enter a title, the default “Untitled” will appear.
  3. Page description: Write a brief description summarising your objective of this page. It will appear on the page itself.
  4. Tags: Enter tags to find your page more easily at a later stage. Separate your tags with commas. If you already have tags, you can click on the link Show my tags and select the ones that you think will fit for this page as well. They will be entered into the text field for you.
  5. Name display format: Choose how you want your name to appear on the page to others.
  6. Anonymise: If the site administrator allowed anonymous pages, you can choose this option here. Instead of your (display) name, “Author’s name hidden” will be displayed to everyone. Administrators and staff can still see your real name.
  7. Click the Save button to save your changes and to continue to the Edit content part.

4.1.4. Edit an existing page

You can edit an existing page in two ways:

  1. Click the Edit button when you are on the Pages overview page.
  2. Click the Edit this page button when you are on the actual page.

Zie ook

You find more information on how to edit artefacts on a portfolio page in the Edit content part.

If the site administrator activated clean URLs, your portfolio pages have human-readable URLs which you can change to a certain extend.

Change the URL for your portfolio page

Change the URL for your portfolio page

  1. When you are in the page edit mode, click on Edit title and description.
  2. Page URL: Choose the name for your page if you do not like the default one. It must be 3-30 characters long. You can only use lowercase letters from a-z, numbers and - (hyphen).
  3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.


Though you can change the URL to your page at any point, you shouldn’t do that because people who already know the URL to your page will not be able to access it anymore after you have changed it.

The original, internal Mahara URL, e.g. http://mahara-university.org/view/view.php?id=789 will still work.

4.1.5. Copy a page Copy a page directly from its location

You can copy a page or collection directly when you view it by clicking the Copy button when you see it. The button is displayed on your own pages and collections as well as on pages and collections owned by others when you have the permission to copy them.

Copy a page or collection

Copy a page or collection

  1. Click the Copy button when you want to copy a page or collection that you can duplicate.
  2. If the page is part of a collection, you need to decide in the pop-up window whether you want to copy the entire collection by clicking the Collection button…
  3. Or just the page that you can see currently by clicking the Page button.
  4. Edit the page or collection as you would do any other. Copy a page by searching for it

You can duplicate your own pages or pages of other users if they allowed you to do that.

Copy a page

Copy a page

  1. Click the Copy a page button under Portfolio → Pages or the Copy a collection button under Portfolio → Collections. On the next screen…

  2. Search: If there are many pages or collections from which you can choose, search here for a keyword in the page or collection title or for the name of the page owner.

  3. Collection title: Click on the title of a collection to preview it before copying it.

  4. Page name: Click on the title of the page to see a preview of it before you copy it.


    The sort order on the screen is according to page names in alphabetical order when you clicked the Copy a page button. When you clicked the Copy a collection button, you see the list sorted alphabetical according to collection titles.

  5. Owner: Click on the name of the owner to view a larger profile picture and the self description if the owner provided one or to see information about a group it that is the owner.


    page owner info

  6. Click the Copy page button to copy one page only into your own portfolio or

  7. Click the Copy collection button to copy an entire collection with multiple pages into your portfolio. All pages within this collection are copied.

  8. You can navigate through the list of pages and collections to which you have access.

  9. You see the total number of pages you can copy.

  10. Edit the page as you would do any other page.


The site administrator can decide to leave out “Copy of…” for copied pages or collections. This setting needs to be made in the config.php file. If $cfg->renamecopies = false;, copies of new pages and collections will not have “Copy of” prepended to their titles.

4.1.6. View a page

You can view a page to check what it looks like when somebody else sees it. Go to the Pages overview page and click on the title of a page.

A finished portfolio page

An example portfolio page.

  1. Title of the portfolio page.

  2. Author of the portfolio page.

  3. Tags which you provided for your page.

  4. Description of the page.

  5. The Edit this page button is only visible if you are the page owner or belong to a group of users who can make changes to the page if it is in a group, institution or site level.

  6. The Copy button is visible when you can copy the page or collection that you are viewing. You see it on your own pages as well as pages of others.

  7. new in Mahara 15.10 Click the button with the three dots to reach lesser used functionality on a page.


    In this area you can

    • Add or remove a page from your watchlist: Click the Add page to watchlist link if you want to be informed when changes are made to the page. When you make changes to the page or a block on the page, a notification is triggered and sent to anyone who is watching the page. This is also the case when you add a new journal entry to a journal that is displayed on your page even when you do not add the entry via the page. If you no longer wish to receive these notifications, remove the page from your watchlist by clicking the link Remove page from watchlist.
    • Report objectionable content for this page: If a page contains offensive artefacts, you can report them to the administrator and provide an explanation why you think the content is offensive.

    three dots expanded

  8. The artefacts that you placed in the page.

  9. Click the Add a comment link Add comment to be taken to the Details page for this artefact to leave a comment.

  10. Click the Details icon Details to be taken to the Details page for this artefact if there is one.

  11. If you belong to a group which allows the submission of pages for feedback / assessment, you see the group displayed here or can choose it from the drop-down menu and can submit your page directly from here. For more information see the section on feedback for assessment.

  12. Comments from users is displayed at the bottom of the page unless you display it with the comments block elsewhere on the page. Each comment includes:

    • Profile picture and name of the commentator that are linked to the profile page.
    • The comment itself.
    • The creation date of the comment and potentially the last update date and time of the comment.
    • Comment rating.
    • Any attachments.
    • A note if the comment is private only to the commentator and the portfolio page author.


    For more information on giving and receiving comments, please see section Feedback.

  13. The total number of comments is displayed.

  14. You and others can use the Add comment section to leave comments on the page.

    Zie ook

    Please refer to the section on making comments to see how that can be done.

  15. View how many times your page was accessed.

4.1.7. Give others access to your page

Zie ook

Please refer to the section on sharing your pages and collections for further information.

4.1.8. Delete a page

You can delete a page at any time unless it or a collection it is in has been submitted for feedback.


When you delete a page, links to external content such as embedded external videos and RSS feeds to an external blog are completely deleted. You cannot recover them. There is no revision history. All other artefacts are not deleted because they reside in your Content area.

When you attempt to delete a page, you get the chance to export the page first so that you can make an archive. If your page is part of a collection, the warning message also contains the title and a link to the collection for you to check whether you really want to delete the page and thus make changes to your collection.

Warning when you attempt to delete a page that is in a collection

Warning when you attempt to delete a page that is in a collection

  1. The title of the page you are about to delete is displayed so you can double-check it is the correct one.

  2. An explicit warning about the deleting of the page is displayed. Deletion cannot be undone.

  3. The collection of which the page is a part of is linked so you can view your collection.

  4. If you want to continue deleting your page, you may want to export it first so you have a copy in case you do need it later again. Click the export link to be taken to the options for the export.


    We recommend you export your portfolio pages / collections in both HTML and Leap2A formats so that you can view them without the need of Mahara (HTML) or can import them back into the same or another Mahara instance or another portfolio software that supports the Leap2A format.

  5. Click the Yes button if you want to continue with the page deletion or the No button if you want to keep your page.