.. include:: /shortcuts.rstext .. index:: single: Groups; Shared pages single: Advanced search options for shared pages single: New in Mahara 1.7; Relocating and renaming of "Shared pages" to "Shared with me" .. _shared_pages: Shared with me ----------------- |new in Mahara 1.7| *Portfolio → Shared with me* .. note:: |new in Mahara 1.7| In Mahara 1.7, the menu item *Shared pages* in the group area was renamed to *Shared with me*. This step was taken to move this menu item to the *Portfolio* section. This distinction makes it easier for users to know on which page they can share their **own** portfolios and where they need to go to view portfolio pages and collections by **others**. On this page you can list the most recently modified or commented on pages that have been shared with: * you directly * you as a friend * you as a member of a group * you as a member of an institution * all logged-in users * the public (excluding secret URLs) The default search options are: * Search the title, description and tags of a page. * Sort the results by last update or last comment. * Show results of pages that have been shared with you directly, as a friend or a member of a group. You can adjust these default settings in the advanced options. *Shared with me* is a place where you can find the pages that you may be most interested in. You cannot add or delete anything from this page. It is a display page only. .. figure:: /images/shared_pages.* :alt: *Shared with me* list *Shared with me* list #. Search by title, description and tags of a page per default. More search options are provided under *Advanced options*. #. **Search within**: Limit your search results to the word(s) found in the title, description or tags of a page or search only within tags. #. **Sort results by**: You can sort the results by the following options: * Last update or comment * Last update * Owner * Title #. **Shared with**: Select the group of people with whom the page(s) you search for must have been shared. You can select multiple options: * Me * Friends * My groups * My institutions * Logged-in users * Public - you only see this option if the site / institution administrator allowed public pages #. The title and author of the page are linked for you to jump to them quickly. You also see when the page was last updated. #. The description of the page as well as the tags are displayed if the author provided them. #. Tags on your own pages are linked for you to easily jump to them on the :ref:`My tags page `. #. You see the number of comments on each page. #. The beginning of the latest comment on the page as well as its author and the date are displayed. #. By clicking on the *View comment* link, you can read the entire comment.