.. include:: /shortcuts.rstext .. index:: single: Content; Plans .. _plans: Plans ------ *Main menu → Create → Plans* Plans are simple ToDo lists. They are particularly well-suited to plan medium and long-term endeavours. A plan can consist of a number of individual activities with which completion dates are associated. You could use the functionality to: * set yourself individual goals for a large task. * manage your personal learning activities and keep an eye on how many you have already accomplished during the time frame that you have set yourself. * keep track of workshops you have attended for your professional development over time. .. figure:: /images/plans.* :alt: Overview page of "Plans" Overview page of *Plans* #. Click the *New plan* button to create a new plan. #. Your existing plans, their descriptions and tags are displayed. Click a title to see all the tasks that you associated with that plan. #. Click the *Edit* button |edit| to change the title, description, tags (and license) of your plan. #. Click the *Manage* button |manage| to add and edit tasks for your plan. #. Click the *Delete* button |delete| to delete your plan. #. The number of plans you created is displayed. .. index:: single: Plan; New plan single: License metadata: Add license information to a plan Create a new plan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. figure:: /images/plan_new.* :alt: Create a new plan Create a new plan #. Click the *New plan* button on the *Plans* overview page. #. **Title**: Give your plan a title. This field is mandatory. #. **Description**: Give your plan a description. It is visible when you select a plan for inclusion into a portfolio page and :index:`on ` the portfolio page itself. #. **Tags**: Add tags to your plan for easier searching later on. You can choose from your existing tags by starting to type a letter and then selecting the tag you want to use. You can also type a new tag, and it is added to your list of tags. .. seealso:: You can find more information on how to use the tag selector in the :ref:`"Tags" section `. #. **License**: You see this field if the site administrator turned on :ref:`license metadata `. Choose the license for the plan. You can set your default license in your :ref:`account settings `. #. **Advanced licensing**: You see this option if the site administrator turned on :ref:`license metadata `. If you click it, you see two additional license fields, "Licensor" and "Original URL", that you can fill in if this in not your own plan. .. note:: At the moment, you cannot display that license information on a portfolio page, but it is stored for future use when the functionality is expanded. You can view the license information on the artefact's detail page though. #. Click the *Save plan* button to keep your new plan. Now you can add individual tasks to your plan. .. index:: single: Plan; Add task single: License metadata: Add license information to a plan's task Add tasks to a plan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are several ways to add a task to a plan: * Click on *Add task* right after you saved your plan. * Click on *Main menu → Create → Plans →* the title of the plan *→ New task*. * Click on *Main menu → Create → Plans →* the *Manage tasks* button |manage| *→ New task*. * When editing a portfolio page that contains a plan, click the *Add task* button |add task|. Once you are in the *New task* screen, you can create your new task. .. figure:: /images/plan_task_new.* :alt: Add a new task to a plan Add a new task to a plan #. **Title**: Enter a title for your task. This field is mandatory. #. **Completion date**: Provide a completion date. Click into the field to show the calendar or enter it directly in the format YYYY/MM/DD (Year - 4 digits / Month - 2 digits / Date - 2 digits), e.g. 2012/06/27. This field is mandatory and allows for tasks to be marked overdue automatically. #. **Description**: Provide more detailed information about the task. #. **Tags**: Add tags to your task for easier searching later on. You can choose from your existing tags by starting to type a letter and then selecting the tag you want to use. You can also type a new tag, and it is added to your list of tags. .. seealso:: You can find more information on how to use the tag selector in the :ref:`"Tags" section `. #. **Completed**: Set to "Yes" if you have already completed the task. #. **License**: You see this field if the site administrator turned on :ref:`license metadata `. Choose the license for the plan's task. You can set your default license in your :ref:`account settings `. #. **Advanced licensing**: You see this option if the site administrator turned on :ref:`license metadata `. If you click it, you see two additional license fields, "Licensor" and "Original URL", that you can fill in if this in not your own plan's tasks. .. note:: At the moment, you cannot display that license information on a portfolio page, but it is stored for future use when the functionality is expanded. #. Click the *Save task* button to finish editing your task. #. Add more tasks immediately or at a later point. .. index:: single: Plan; Edit task Edit tasks in a plan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Click the *Manage tasks* button |manage| **or** the title of the plan on *Main menu → Create → Plans*. #. Click the *Edit* button |edit| next to a task that you want to change. #. Make your changes or mark a task as completed. #. Click the *Save task* button and your changes are recorded. View all tasks of a plan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can view the tasks of the plan in two different ways if you are the author of the plan: #. At *Main menu → Create → Plans* → Click on a plan. #. Add a plan to one of your pages. View a plan under *Create* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: /images/plan.* :alt: A plan with several tasks Plans under *Create* #. The title of the plan under which you created the tasks is shown. #. Click the *New task* button to create a new task in this plan. #. **Tags**: The tags that you associated with the plan are displayed. #. **Completed**: The completion status of each task. Tasks that are overdue show the *Overdue* icon |overdue|. #. **Completed**: Tasks that are not yet completed don't show any icon. #. **Completed**: The completion status of each task. Tasks that are completed display the *Completed* icon |completed|. .. note:: Not completed and overdue tasks are displayed at the top of a plan when there are already completed tasks so that they can be viewed more easily. All other tasks are displayed in chronological order. #. **Title**: The title of each task is shown. #. **Completion date**: You can see the completion date for each task. #. **Description**: The description for each task is displayed. #. **Tags**: :index:`The tags ` that you associated with a task are shown. #. Click the *Edit* button |edit| to make changes to a task. #. Click the *Delete* button |delete| to delete a task. #. The number of tasks in your plan is displayed. .. _view_plan_on_page: View a plan on a portfolio page ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: /images/plan_portfolio_page.* :alt: Plan on a portfolio page Plan on a portfolio page #. The title of the plan. You can change that as part of the block title. #. The plan's description is displayed. #. **Tags**: The tags that you added for this plan are displayed. #. The completion status of each task is displayed: * Tasks that are completed display the *Completed* icon |completed|. * Tasks that are overdue show the *Overdue* icon |overdue|. * Tasks that are not yet completed show the *Not completed* icon |notcompleted|. .. note:: You can click the completion icon to change the status of a task and mark it completed or revoke the completion. #. **Title**: The title of each task is shown. #. **Completion date**: You can see the completion date for each task. #. Click the title of the task or the *Down arrow* |down arrow| to see details for this task. Click the *Up arrow* |up arrow| to hide the details. #. The description of this task is shown. #. **Tags**: The :index:`tags ` that you added for the task are displayed. #. The number of tasks in this plan is displayed. #. By clicking the *Details* link |details|, you are taken to the artefact's details page. .. _edit_plan_on_page: Edit a plan on a page in edit mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: /images/plan_portfolio_page_edit.* :alt: Make changes to your plan on a portfolio page Make changes to your plan #. The plan's description is displayed. #. **Tags**: The tags that you added for this plan are displayed. #. Click the *Edit plan* button |edit| to make changes to the basic information about your plan. You will be redirected back to this page. #. Click the *Add task* button |add task| to create a new task within the plan. You will be redirected back to this page upon saving your new task. #. Click the *Delete plan* button |delete| to delete your plan permanently. #. Click the completion icon to change the status of a task. The completion status of each task is displayed: * Tasks that are completed display the *Completed* icon |completed|. * Tasks that are overdue show the *Overdue* icon |overdue|. * Tasks that are not yet completed show the *Not completed* icon |notcompleted|. .. note:: You can click the completion icon to change the status of a task and mark it completed or revoke the completion. #. View the title and completion date of a task. #. Click the title of the task or the *Down arrow* |down arrow| to see details for this task. Click the *Up arrow* |up arrow| to hide the details. #. Click the *Edit task* button |edit| to make changes to a task. You will be redirected back to this page after you finished editing. #. Click the *Delete task* button |delete| to remove the task from your plan and delete it permanently. You will be redirected back to this page after you finished editing. #. The number of tasks in this plan is displayed.