11.9.1. Overview¶
Administration menu → Extensions → SmartEvidence → Management
Click the Management link to be taken to this overview page if you are on another page within the SmartEvidence section.
Click the Editor link to create a new framework, edit, or copy an existing one.
Click the Import link to upload a SmartEvidence file created outside of Mahara.
Name: Displays the name of the framework.
Institution: Show the institution in which this framework can be used if it is restricted to a particular institution.
Used in collections: Shows how many times the framework has been used.
Self-assess: Indicates whether the framework allows self-assessment or not.
Active A green checkmark indicates when a framework can be used by people on the site. A red cross indicates that the framework is not available any more for new collections.
Click the Manage button to change settings for a framework.
Click the Download button to save a framework to your device. This allows you to upload it to another Mahara site.
Click the Delete button if you want to remove a framework. You can only remove frameworks that are not in use.
Mahara comes with three competency frameworks pre-installed to make testing easier. You can delete them if you do not want people to work with them.