5.2. Shared with me¶
Main menu → Share → Shared with me
On this page you can list the most recently modified or commented on pages and collections that have been shared with:
You directly
You as a friend
You as a member of a group
You as a member of an institution
All registered people
The public (excluding secret URLs)
You only see other people’s portfolios and not your own.
The default search options are:
Search the title, description, tags and owner of a portfolio.
Sort the results by last update or last comment.
Show results of portfolios that have been shared with you directly, as a friend or a member of a group.
You can adjust these default settings in the advanced options.
Shared with me is a place where you can find the portfolios that you may be most interested in.
You cannot add or delete anything from this page. It is a display page only.

Shared with me list¶
Search: Type your search term into the search field. Per default, you search by title, description, tags and the owner of a portfolio.
Use the drop-down arrow to limit your search to tags only.
Sort results by: You can sort the results by the following options:
Last update or comment
Last update
Click the Search button to perform your search.
Select the group of people with whom the portfolio(s) you search for must have been shared. You can select multiple options:
My groups
My institutions
Registered people
Public: You only see this option if the site / institution administrator allowed public pages.
The title links directly to the portfolio.
When a collection is part of the search result, you see how many pages are contained within it.
The author link takes you to the author’s profile page or in the case of a group to the group’s homepage. The date displays the last time the portfolio was updated.
The description of the portfolio is displayed if the author provided one.
Tags that are associated with the portfolio are displayed.
You see the number of comments.
The beginning of the latest comment as well as its author and the date when the comment was left are displayed. By clicking on the comment, you can read it in its entirety.
Use the paginator to view results that are not listed directly.
View the total number of search results.
You can choose how many portfolios you wish to display at once. Your options are 10, 20, 50, 100 or 500 results. All remaining portfolios can be reached via the paginator.