Mahara 20.10 manual

This is the manual for Mahara 20.10, which was released on 22 October 2020.


Mahara 20.10 is not supported any more as of October 2021. Please install or upgrade to a supported version of Mahara.

When you see the ‘New in Mahara 20.10’ icon new in Mahara 20.10, a feature was introduced in Mahara 20.10 or changed from Mahara 20.04.


Check out the new features.

You can reach older versions of the Mahara manual as well as different formats via the ‘Mahara manuals’ section in the left sidebar.


The Mahara manual is licensed under your choice of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 unported or GNU General Public License version 3 or later.


The Mahara manual is written by Mahara community members. You can see the list of contributors to the manual on Open Hub for contributions to the English version of the manual and images for the translations. On Launchpad you can check for all translations of the manual and their contributors.

Table of contents

For documentation writers