1. Mahara 21.04で何が新しいか?¶
Maharaはバージョンごとに改善されています。このページであなたはMaharaの最新のリリースのための ハイライト を確認できます。
Launchpadですべての新機能のリスト を見ることができます。または、 『Mahara 21.04の新機能』 索引項目 を介して機能を確認してください。
1.1. Portfolio submission management¶
Group administrators and tutors can manage all portfolio submissions to a group from a management screen in the group that allows them to assign portfolios to certain tutors and administrators, filter the submissions and have a quick overview of them.

View all submissions to a group in one place¶
1.2. Archive of submissions¶
Group administrators can view all archived submissions in the group, search for a particular person and download their archived portfolio. It is also possible to download a CSV file that contains all information about the submission, including where the archive file can be found on the server.

Archive of all submissions in a group¶
1.3. Portfolio review¶
The 『Portfolio review』 block allows a person who is assigned the role of a reviewer to give an overall statement for the portfolio. Depending on the configuration of the block, they may not need special permissions.
This block is highly configurable and can only be placed on the portfolio completion progress page.
1.4. Remove yourself from a portfolio¶
You can remove your own access from a portfolio if the portfolio was shared with you directly. You can do that via Main menu → Share → Shared with me or on the portfolio itself via the More options button .
1.5. Delete an entire collection¶
When you are on the portfolio overview page, you can delete an entire collection by going to the 『More options』 of a collection. Clicking the Delete option there allows you to delete the entire collection, including all pages. Artefacts that are stored in the files area, the journal, or notes are not deleted, however all pages within the collection are. You cannot retrieve the pages or the collection once deleted.
1.6. Configure the 『Lates changes I can view』 block¶
The 『Latest changes I can view』 block can cause a bit of confusion when people see portfolios from others they don’t know. The change in Mahara 21.04 allows site administrators and also portfolio authors to configure the block either with default settings for new account holders or by the account holders themselves so that they only see the portfolios from others they want to see.
1.7. Configurable peer assessments¶
When you configure an institution you can decide whether peer assessors shall be able to see the portfolio conten of the portfolio for which they provide a peer assessment or whether it should be a blind assessment. Note that this is an institution wide setting as it is assumed that an institution makes that decision rather than individual assessors at this stage.
1.8. Page descriptions are meta data¶
Over the last few years, the layout options have become more flexible in Mahara. Therefore, a page description doesn’t have to be used any more to achieve a particular page layout. Thus, the description was turned into a short plain text field. Existing descriptions that contained formatting or images were added as blocks to a page.
1.9. Restrict portfolio access to a specific number of people¶
Site administrators can restrict the number of access rules for a portfolio for the entire site via a config.php variable. This is useful if you have strict sharing requirements and want to prevevent over sharing.
1.10. Three new reports¶
There are three new reports in the 『People reports』 section. They all deal with the portfolio completion functionality.
Completion and review
Portfolios with reviewers
Reviewer summary
1.11. Templates on the site and institution levels¶
When you create a template on the site or institution level, you can designate an entire collection as template. That will turn all pages within the collection into template pages. You can also set a collection as the auto-copied template, automatically setting certain options for that portfolio. All portfolios that are created from such a template are placed into a queue for being generated so as not to overload the system where there are many portfolios to be created at once.