9.1. ユーザ管理

Institution administration → Manage users

In the Manage users menu of the institution administration you can:

  • ユーザを検索する
  • 個々のユーザの設定を変更する
  • ユーザを利用停止および削除する
  • make users institution staff or administrators
  • check the admin notification settings
  • add and update users manually or by CSV
  • レポートを表示する

9.1.2. User account settings

Institution administration → Manage users → User search → Click on a username

On the Account settings page of a user in the administration area, you can perform a number of actions to manage the user’s account. However, you cannot change personal information about this user, e.g. name, email, from this page. This can only be done in the Content area of the user’s account or new15 via the Add users by CSV page.


Please refer to the 「User account settings」 section in the site administration for further details as the actions you can take are very similar. Differences are:

  • You cannot delete users directly from this page but would have to suspend them first.
  • You cannot add users who are not already institution members from this page as you can only manage your own institution’s members.

9.1.3. Suspended and new15 expired users

Institution administration → Manage users → Suspended users

A list of all suspended and expired users is available in the sub-menu Suspended users. Here you can unsuspend / reactivate or delete them.


Please refer to the 「Suspended users」 section in the site administration for further details as the actions you can take are the same.

9.1.4. ユーザを追加する

インスティテューション管理 → ユーザを管理する → ユーザを追加する

You can add users to your institution by creation accounts for them manually one by one.


Please refer to the 「Add user」 section in the site administration for further details as the actions you can take are similar. In contrast to site administrators, you may not be able to choose an institution if you are admin for only one or change the file quota if that is locked on the site level.

9.1.5. Add and new15 update users by CSV

Institution administration → Manage users → Add users by CSV

You can use this function to upload new users in bulk via a CSV file (comma-separated file) and to update existing users.


Please refer to the 「Add users by CSV」 section in the site administration for further details as the actions you can take are similar. In contrast to site administrators, you may not be able to choose an institution if you are admin for only one or change the file quota if that is locked on the site level.

9.1.6. new15 認証方法およびリモートユーザ名を大量に変更します。

After you have successfully invited or added new members into your institution, you can change their authentication method. That can be useful if the authentication method differs from the one in the previous institution and the admin wants to link the new accounts to a remote username using.


Please refer to the 「Change the authentication method and remote username in bulk」 section in the site administration for further details as the actions you can take are similar. In contrast to site administrators, you may not be able to choose an institution if you are admin for only one.